Outfit 28/4
Je to tam!!! Dnes Vám môžem z hrdosťou povedať, že som absolvovala obhajoby na výbornú! Nečakané? Áno. Kedže sme mali v komisií jednu sekeru, tak bolo očividné prečo som šla na WC až 3 krát predtým ako som vstúpila do miestnosti. Ehm a bola som v poradí tretia :D V ten moment ako povedali další moje srdce prestalo reagovať a ja som sa vydala na popravu. Úprimne som ukecaná baba, ale teraz som mala taký roztrasený hlas, že vlastná matka by ma nespoznala :D Konečne som sa asi okolo 11tej dozvedela výsledky a som nadmieru spokojná ved jednotku som nečakala , ale som na seba pyšná teraz už len prejsť ústnou skúškou...
It's there! Today I can proudly say of that I took on a great defense! Unexpected? Yes. Since we had commissions one bitch, it was obvious why I went to the toilet 3 times before I entered the room. Um, and I was the third one :D That moment said next one than my heart stopped responding and I got went on death row. I honestly talkative girl, but now I had such a shaky voice that own mother would not recognize me: D I finally learned about some 11 o´clock results and I am extremely pleased mark 1 was not expecting, but I'm proud of yourself now to pass an oral examination. ..
It's there! Today I can proudly say of that I took on a great defense! Unexpected? Yes. Since we had commissions one bitch, it was obvious why I went to the toilet 3 times before I entered the room. Um, and I was the third one :D That moment said next one than my heart stopped responding and I got went on death row. I honestly talkative girl, but now I had such a shaky voice that own mother would not recognize me: D I finally learned about some 11 o´clock results and I am extremely pleased mark 1 was not expecting, but I'm proud of yourself now to pass an oral examination. ..
A čo Vy aký ste mali deň? Tiež ste mali niekto obhajoby, ale Vás to ešte len čaká?
xoxo CaraMARYl
Máš úplně boží styl!!:'OO
OdpovedaťOdstrániťĎakujem :D :)